The Magic of Making Up (Get Your Ex Back) By T.W Jackson - Does It Really Work?
The Magic of Making Up (Get Your Ex Back) is all about rekindling flames and how to get your ex back. Here might be a typical scenario....You have crashed and burned with your partner and in the moment it feels like you will never get over it and that you are DONE, THROUGH, KAPUT. Maybe you say things you later wish you hadn't. It gets frenetic and it goes pear-shaped. Or else, kinda worse, it just sort of fizzles out. The magic goes. And you split up. BUT THEN...
The thing is that time ticks on a little and you suddenly realise "Hell, I Want My Ex Back!".
This book is addressing exactly that moment when you wake up and realise that they really were kinda terrific and that you want them back (or at least that their good points outweigh the bad and are worth the grief :-)). It is about how you go from sad singledom to having that ex back in your life.
Check out The Magic Of Making Up Here >>
What do you do next?
This guide is one answer to that question. Its aim is nothing less then to solve the problem of how to your ex back in your life, what steps to take, and how to keep them once you have got them back.
So What Exactly Is In It?
This book is split up into eight separate sections that both cumulatively build on each other, as well as addressing many of the burning questions that you most likely have right now.
These sections are:
Chapter 1: Understanding Why Your Relationship Ended (And Why It's Not Over Just Yet)
Chapter 2: Don't Panic – Your Key to Winning Back Their Love (Getting Your Head On Straight)
Chapter 3: Removing the Splinter in Your Relationship (Where Do You Stand?)
Chapter 4: Re-Igniting the Spark of Passion and Desire (The Plan)
Chapter 5: Dates and Lovers – How Other People Can Actually Bring You Back Together With Your Ex
Chapter 6: Easing Back Into Your Relationship to Solidify Your Love
Chapter 7: Maintaining the Fun and Love Without Dredging Up Old Wounds and Arguments
Chapter 8: When Your Relationship Can't Be Saved – Moving On With Grace
Each of these sections gives lots of insights into the different reasons why relationships break up, and what you can do to get your own with your ex back on track.The good thing about a guide like this is that it is not hard work. Often with many relationships it is just a single factor, or generally at most a few factors that are the difference between a happy, exciting, sparky relationship, and a bone dead dull one that you either cannot wait to escape from, or else have jumped ship from but now find you miss a good many things about.
Once you get a handle on what it REALLY WAS that caused you to breakup in the first place, it is often reasonably simple to fix it and get back with your ex in a much simpler way then you might ever have imagined.
Through reading about what has worked for others you can shortcut the process and get busy setting your own relationship to rights. And often that insight might come in the first few pages. If it does you can put it into action straight away.
Conside the analogy of a builder. If you give them a hammer then it's an easy job for them to hammer in a nail. But give them a feather and no matter how hard they bang the nail it's not going to budge.
Check out The Magic of Making Up Here >>
You need to stop banging your ex problem with feathers. And get the hammer of knowledge. You need to start banging away at getting your ex back with the hammer of other peoples experiences in exactly the same situation as you, who have been there done that and got the t-shirt and their ex back in the process.
First off let me say that this isn't for everybody. If you are already in a happy relationship then save your money and buy your other half a treat with it :-)
But if you are in the position where you want your ex back and want to know exactly how to go about doing it, right now, without any hassles or BS, then this is great information.
I liked that it was straightforward and effective. It does what it says on the tin.
Some of the real life testimonials are amazing. The real proof of the pudding is not some fancy-pants salesletter. It is the real people who have tried it and got there ex back. It could all be BS. I am sceptical too when I read web pages that make big claims. It's only natural. But then this guy must have the most friends in history to come up with so many happy endings. (I have listed a few of them below to give you a taster, but there are actually over 30. You can check them all out here)
Check out these real user reviews:
(NOTE: Some of these folks were clearly super excited at getting their ex back, as the spelling and grammar is a tad excited (Editor - Don't you mean 'rubbish'? Oh Ok :-)) I have left all these testimonials exactly as recorded though so you can see the unvarnished comments.)
And here are a few more... Check out The Magic of Making Up Here >>
No messing or sugar coating from me though.
You WILL Have To Do Some Work!
Not really a criticism of the guide as such, but just getting "real" for a second.
It would be nice to think that buying a book will solve all your relationship problems, but in reality you are going to have to do more then just read it.
You will need to reach out to your ex if you really want them back. So you do have to be prepared to do some work in the trenches.
Hopefully the fact that you are here means that they are worth fighting for. So just be aware that good information on its own will not get you back in their arms. You are going to have to do a little work.
So Hunker down and put it to work right away.
This is a very specific guide for a very specific problem. If you want your ex back then you will find this great information.
If you take it one step further and actually act on the information then there is a great chance you will end up back in their arms.
If you are still sitting on the fence a liitle about this, and would like to read a little more about T.W Jackson's guide before taking the plunge, then you should also check out this Magic of Making Up Review. It is over 5000 words long, and covers just about EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about The Magic of Making Up (including screenshots from the course and an audio sample), so after reading that you should be pretty clear whether of not this is something you want to check out :-)
Relationships are complex things. And the reasons that you split up from someone can be complex. But often times there are a surpriseingly small amount of factors that lie between peoples gripes with each other.
In reality you need to start to identify what those gripes are and start to work on fixing them if you want to get back with your ex. A guide like this is a great step on that journey, and you are likely to experience some Eureka moments on the path if you really work it hard.
I guess you need to decide how seriously you want your ex back and take it from there. Best of luck regardless. You are stronger then you think. You can take action and affect your own destiny, you can check out the magic of making up here.
Check out The Magic of Making Up HERE >>
PS Here is a Video from T.W Jackson showing UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS (ie what folk just wrote to him WITHOUT him asking) about The Magic of Making Up. Thought you might find it interesting :-)