Pull Your Ex Back Review

Pull Your Ex Back Review

About Pull Your Ex Back By Ryan Hall

Pull Your Ex Back offers a threefold promise. Namely that it can:

1/ Stop A Breakup
2/ Halt A divorce OR
3/ Help You To Get Your Ex Back

Now, on the face of it these are extremely bold claims. But product promises aside for a moment, it is actually not so far fetched, because human interaction essentially comes down to a very few basic elements that if you get them handled correctly, can have dramatic effects on the quality of your relationships.

So, whilst there may be two dozen ways to mend a smashed cup for example, with different types of glue, sellotape, chewing cup, bonding agent or whatever (you can probably tell that I don't mend too many broken cups lol); that it all amounts to trying to put the cup back together.

The exact same thing is true with relationships. So, in effect, if you fix a few things it can have big effects.

The real issue though is can the product deliver, or is it just another scam that sucks the money out of your wallet with big promises, but then fails to deliver on those promises? This is what we are going to discuss here.

So what do you get in the package?

The package consists of the following Five components:

Pull Your Ex Back (Guaranteed Ways to Bring Back Your Ex Lover Into Your Life) By Ryan Hall - PDF Ebook

Audio of Pull Your Ex Back

Bonus: Black Power Mind Control

Bonus: Power Book

Bonus Ebook

So my first impression was that there was a lot of value here. Ryan is clearly not cutting and running. He is actually trying to provide good value.

But is the material any good? I can honestly say it is.

Within the main guide is where the main meaty information is to be found (though the audio makes a good backup if you want some "gym fodder" :-)), as it discusses lots of things that you are ALMOST CERTAINLY doing right now that are sabotaging your chances at getting your ex back or are helping to put strain on a relationship that is already strained.

You can check out Pull Your Ex Back HERE >>

The main Pull Your Ex Back ebook has the following chapter headings (I have listed them here to give you a good idea of what you can expect to receive)

Chapter #1 - The Emotional Roller Coaster Phase
Chapter #2 - So Why Did it All End?
Chapter #3 - The Most Important Rule- "No contact"
Chapter #4 - Putting it All Into Action..."The Instant Shift Technique"
Chapter #5 - The Deciding Phase- Do You Really Want them Back?
Chapter #6 - Getting Into Your Ex's Shoes
Chapter #7 - Getting the Power Back-"The Main Process"
Chapter #8 - An Important decision- "Let's Date Again"
Chapter #9 - And Finally They Call
Chapter #10 - Getting in Touch With Your Ex
Chapter #11 - The Big Date
Chapter #12 - The Big Re-Union
Chapter #13 - Get Your Ex Addicted to You
Chapter #14 - Most Vital Questions Answered
Chapter #15 - When Things Don't Go Your Way
Chapter #16 - Avoiding a Breakup When it Hasn't Already Taken Place
Chapter #17 - What If I Dumped Them?

This is nicely structured and well written, and each section builds on the next so you are not left guessing or wondering what to do next.

Its not these these are rocket science, or that the world will stop spinning when you hear them, but the proof of the pudding with all these things is not when you read them and intellectualise. Instead it is when you stand up and say.

"Ok, what I have been doing so far hasn't been working too good. Time to try a new approach."

When you do that and actually try out the techniques in this book then you may well find that you will get different results (obviously, I don't have a crystal ball, or access to your head, so there are no guarantees here. Its a book. Not an episode from Harry Potter). But it has worked for plenty of other folks, and ultimately aren't the RESULTS what you really care about?

You can check out Pull Your Ex Back HERE >>

There are also some really good bonuses with this product that add a lot of value to the overall package.

Firstly there is "The Power Book" which aims to provide "Answers to the most vital relationship questions along with detailed case studies". You will really like this. It is a bit like having Ryan in the room and being able to ask him personal questions about what you should be doing. In reality most questions you would ask will have already have been covered, so you will find this a big time saver. It is in a question and answer format and it is really interactive. Real peoples questions that you will actually be able to relate to, and not pie in the sky advice.

The second bonus ebook is Ryans list of of the "21 Most Important Keys To Getting Your Ex Back". This is a bit like the Cliff's Notes version of how to get you ex back :-). If you are ever in need of a quick refresher course, but don't have time to read through the main book, then you can dip into this to remind yourself of what you should and should not be doing. Again, well laid out and presented, and the writing style is good. Very readable and intelligent, and clearly written, with lots of good advice.

The third bonus is tantalisingly called, "The Black Book", and is subtitled "Ultimate psychological tricks and techniques to get your ex back". In essence this is an uber-sneaky manual of all kind of psychological tips and tricks that you can weild like a machine gun to get your ex to yield to your will. It is like Top Gun training. This is cool. Probably worth the price of the course on its own to be honest. Reading this is a bit like being a car mechanic and suddenly getting a whole new box of tools to use. You will never again be short of what to do or say in a relationship situation, and of course knowledge really is power with this stuff, because once you KNOW IT you will have the ability to use it FOREVER. Nice.

The fourth really cool bonus is a complete audio recording of the book. All seventeen chapters of it. So if you are not really into reading, you can download the whole thing onto your ipod and listen to it at the gym or in the car. This gives you a load of flexibility.

I really liked this course. It is well put together. The writing is good and I would have confidence that it would work if you put it into action.

You can check out Pull Your Ex Back HERE >>

Here are what other people in your situation had to say about Pull Your Ex Back :

Hey man!!!!!!!!She came to me and told me how much she has been missing me all these days. She even tried to make me jealous thinking it will work. Your book is remarkable. I am absolutely sure this will help a lot of people. - James
This is a well rounded book from the start to finish. There are so many mistakes I have made all these years with my relationships. It's like I have a map and a plan to follow. Now I can't ever feel clueless or stuck ever again. This was the best thing I've read in a very long time, I'd advise it to everyone.- Kevin
Guess what? Me and matt are back again. Thanks a lot for your advice yet AGAIN!!!!! - Susan
Ryan I have to say your book is a must read for all who are trying to get their ex back. The more that I use the tricks and techniques that you wrote in your book, the more my ex runs after me. It's amazing. Who knew that you could actually
learn and master this area of life. I never felt so enlightened in all my life. I would love to meet you if you ever come to chicago...Looking forward to it. Thanks once again. - Dave. M
This is hard to believe. Daniel virtually begged me to take him back. It took me some time though but it's all worth the effort. The advice in your book works extremely well. The best money spent so far. Thanks a lot. - Amy
Just wanted to thank you for all your help! Have been regularly talking to my ex now and she wants to forget everything that happened and wants to go on a holiday with me. I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you so much for sharing this stuff! - J. Scott

And here is an unsolicited video testimonial I found on youtube for Pull Your Ex Back By Ryan Hall



You can check out Pull Your Ex Back HERE >>


Accuracy Disclosure: getexbackresults.com has not directly tested this product, but has conducted research into the alleged results of other users who claim to have used the product. The accuracy of both the publisher's research and alleged user results cannot be guaranteed.
Compensation Disclosure: Please note that this site contains affiliate links and that we may receive compensation (at no additional cost to you) if you choose to buy a product.